Swedish Maritime Administration regarding Corona virus (Covid-19)
News 2021-03-11
The Swedish Maritime Administration follows recommendations from the Public Health Authority and other relevant authorities regarding the corona virus, covid-19.
The Swedish Maritime Administration has taken several preventive measures to continue to secure both safe and secure shipping.
SAR-operations (Search and Rescue)
Our SAR-operations are continuing to function well across the country.
Pilot operations
We are still providing pilot services as usual and a number of precaution routines are in place to safe guard the service. To avoid spreading the disease the pilot-ordering center must be informed if someone on-board the ship has been diagnosed with the coronavirus, has symptoms of the disease or is suspected of being infected by the coronavirus.
Duly note these changes and further information:
Ice Breaking
Our service with our Ice Breakers are still working as usual and our five Ice Breakers are functional. In case of an outbreak our service could be reduced.
Swedish Hydrographic Office
Preventive measures have been taken to ensure the delivery of navigational warnings and notifications for seafarers and electronic charts (ENC).
Swedish Seaman's Service
Seafarers' service facilities are open and the transport service is running, with certain restrictions. For added security, we have put up signs urging guests to keep their distance from each other. We have also introduced routines for frequent disinfection of surfaces. For questions or further information, contact the local Seamen's Service Station by phone or email.
The Swedish Maritime Administration continues its ongoing work with various types of risk assessments for its operations, and has continuous contact with other authorities.
Last updated 2022-01-17